He began his musical studies at the age of seven in La Garriga. Later, he moved to Barcelona to study with Domènec Mas i Serracant, Josep Viñas and his uncle, Josep Marraco Ferrer, chapel master of the Barcelona Cathedral. He was a singer in the cathedral of Barcelona. At the age of sixteen he joined the Parish of San Agustí in Barcelona as an organist and in 1907 he was appointed chapel master, to remain until 1957. He also served as musical director of the Teatre Romea in Barcelona between 1898 and 1908. From 1923 to 1957 he conducted the chapel of the Barcelona Cathedral. He was also organist of the Church of San Sever, he directed the Academy of Music of the “Casa Provincial de la Caritat” and the “Orfeó Montserrat” of Barcelona. He collaborated with Nemesio Otaño in his "Modern Spanish Organic Anthology" (1909) and in anthologies of religious music. In Paris he wrote a superior solfege method and also worked in Liege and Leipzig. In 1958 he was awarded with the “Medalla del Mèrit Artístic” of the city of Barcelona.
He composed more than five hundred works, both religious and profane; Its production includes fifteen masses, numerous zarzuelas, gosos, motets, hymns, songs for choir, songs for voice and piano, habaneras, works for orchestra, band, cuplés , organ works, trios, etc. As a composer, his style is eminently polyphonic, following the mastery of the great Spanish masters of the 16th century. He regularly participated in musical competitions and was awarded several times.

Josep Sancho Marraco Archive in the Biblioteca de CatalunyaJosep Sancho Marraco in the Fundació Josep Maurí de La GarrigaMusic by Josep Sancho Marraco in the iFMuCJosep Sancho Marraco in the Portal Sardanista
Barcarola op. 111, for flute and piano
Lento op. 112, for flute and piano